After some investigation we found out that call to line3.overrideValueRenderer($contentLineText) in the display template is causing this truncation (We created this
display template by making a copy of one of the OOB Display Templates). We
could confirm this behavior by adding alerts just before and after the overrideValueRenderer
Before overrideValueRenderer($contentLineText) call - in IE8:
After overrideValueRenderer($contentLineText) call - in IE8:
As a solution to our problem we wrote a
custom renderer by taking a copy of the contentLineText default renderer. We can find SharePoint 2013 default renderers in the Search.ClientControls.js
file at the 15 hive:
In the default contentLineText renderer,
there is a condition to check whether the current browser is Internet Explorer
and if the version is less than or equal to 8 as highlighted below. If the
condition met, it will truncate the text to 90 characters, which now I have
increased to 240 in my custom renderer.
Custom Data Renderer.
customContentLineText = function (a,
b) {
if (Srch.U.n(b)) b = 240;
var c = a.defaultValueRenderer ?
a.defaultValueRenderer(a) :
Srch.ValueInfo.Renderers.defaultRenderedValueHtmlEncoded(a), d = !Srch.U.w(c)
&& c.length > b &&
!Srch.ValueInfo.isHtmlPropertyName(a.managedPropertyName) && (Sys.Browser.agent === Sys.Browser.InternetExplorer
&& Sys.Browser.version <= 8);
return d ?
Srch.ValueInfo.Renderers.textTruncateEnd(a, b) : c
encodedId = $htmlEncode(ctx.ClientControl.get_nextUniqueId() +
linkURL = $getItemValue(ctx, "Link URL");
line1 = $getItemValue(ctx, "Line 1");
line2 = $getItemValue(ctx, "Line 2");
line3 = $getItemValue(ctx, "Line 3");
The custom renderer can be placed in the
display template itself and can be called as highlighted in gray color.
1 comment:
thanks! this fixed my problem too. In my case I was using IE11 but the site had the header
http-equiv=X-UA-Compatible content=IE=8 which I gather is making sharepoint behave the same way.
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